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Lynda com Pro Tools 8 Essential Training英文正式版(Pro Tools 8教學) (dvd一片裝)



Lynda com Pro Tools 8 Essential Training英文正式版(Pro Tools 8教學) (dvd一片裝)


Lynda出品的 Pro Tools 8 基礎訓練教學
主講:David Franz

Pro Tools 8 — 最先進的音頻創作與製作軟體 — 採用全新華麗介面, 大量新插件與
虛擬樂器, 激動人心的全新樂譜窗與MIDI功能, 更全面的編輯與混音功能, 更高的性
能等等. 有了Pro Tools 8, 您將獲取最全能的音樂/音頻創作功能, 以及公認的世界
頂級音頻製作平臺, 一次過擁有全部.

Pro Tools 8 深度整合了ICON控制臺, Digidesign控制介面, 以及M-AudioR控制器,
您可在您控制器的幾乎任何旋鈕上映射插件參數的控制, 每軌道可調用高達10個效果
器. 對於ICON, Pro Tools 8為Soft Keys帶來了更完善的全新功能; 增添本地指派模
式以指派效果插入, 發送, 輸入, 以及輸出; 新引入I/O視圖模式; 現在還能夠使用擴
展推子模組將D-CommandR或D-CommandR ES控制臺擴展至40路推子.

Pro Tools 8 採用了流線型新介面, 更體貼的功能與互動性. 比以前更加易用, 工作
效率更高, 並提供更多自定義功能以滿足您的個人需求.

Pro Tools 8 附帶全方位超過70個革命性虛擬樂器, 效果器, 以及實用插件, 還有超
過 8GB音頻Loop, 立即啟動您的創意引擎.

現在Pro Tools LER以及M-Powered?用戶可獲取相當以前三倍的音軌 (高達48路同步身
歷聲或單聲道音軌), 以創建更大型, 更複雜的混音.

全新樂譜編輯器可對MIDI資料進行查看, 編輯, 排列, 並列印成樂譜, 您可以使用各

Pro Tools 8 中全新的MIDI編輯窗將Pro Tools 的音序功能領入全新級別, 採用了全
方位的新穎MIDI編輯特性, 工具, 以及功能, 讓您比以前更輕鬆地使用虛擬樂器作曲.

作為Elastic Time 的完美補充, 新的Elastic Pitch 功能可以高效地, 即時地對區

在單軌上捕捉一遍完美的錄音通常非常困難; 有了全新的並軌流程, 您可以從多遍錄
音中輕鬆挑選最佳部分, 打造完美的錄音.

Pro Tools 8 深入整合了ICON控制臺, DigidesignR控制介面, 以及M-AudioR周邊控制
器, 現在您可以在控制器上直接映射插件等操作.

更強大的Pro Tools|HD工作流程
Pro Tools HDR 8 進一步擴展了Pro Tools|HD音頻硬體的功能, 全新的選項可讓您與
其他HD/SD視頻重播系統同步, 或與多台Pro Tools|HD系統進行同步.

Pro Tools 8主要的新特性如下:

* 更新的介面設計,雖然功能鍵還在原始位置但賦予了更豐富的功能,而且可以自定
* 新的Universal View通用視圖可以快速流覽整個session
* QuickStart可以讓你快速跳到一個已經打開的session裏、創建新session或是打開
* 贈送許多新的虛擬樂器,包括:
o Mini Grand piano大鋼琴
o Boom drum machine鼓機
o DB-33 tonewheel organ拉杆風琴
o Vacuum
o Xpand!2合成器
* 贈送效果器插件:
o Eleven Free
o SansAmp
* 贈送DJ工具Torq LE
* 贈送20個來自AIR小組的效果器插件
* 贈送將近8 GB的高品質loop
* 全部贈送的軟體價格超過1300美元
* LE 和M-Powered用戶可以獲得最高48條音軌,而非以前的32條。如果你購買了Music
Production Toolkit 2或DV Toolkit 2擴展,那麼可以達到最多64條音軌。LE用戶還
可額外購買Complete Production Toolkit擴展,結合Music Production Toolkit 2或
DV Toolkit 2擴展可以達到最多128音軌,以及最高7.1環繞聲的混音
* 整合了Sibelius的樂譜功能,包括樂譜顯示、編輯、導入或是在樂譜裏步進寫入音
* MIDI功能被大幅度增強,包括MIDI音符的聯合、拆分、靜音,scrub或shuttle片段
* 彈性音高。可以直接修改音頻的音高而不改變速度,方便直接在edit視窗裏修正人聲
* 全新的音軌comping功能,可以在多段音頻錄音中皆選不同的部分,組合成一軌音頻
* 新的編輯和混音功能。可以將region鎖定在某一時間而不被移動或編輯。使用專門的
* 一條音軌可以最多插入10個效果器了
* 通過Video Satellite和Video Satellite LE硬體,可以重播Avid和QuickTime的高清/
* 開始支持Windows Vista
* 在Mac OS X系統支援QuickTime的高清視頻
* 打開/關閉session的速度變得更快
* 支援最大4GB單一檔,使得你可以錄製更長時間或使用更大的採樣

Pro Tools 8 Essential Training unveils the inner workings of the industry-standard
software for music and post-production. Musician, producer, and educator David
Franz demonstrates all the concepts and techniques necessary for recording, editing,
mixing, and mastering in Pro Tools 8. He teaches how to create music with virtual
instruments and plug-ins, edit with elastic audio for time and pitch manipulation,
create a musical score, and mix with effects loops. This course can help any music
producer, sound engineer, or hobbyist become proficient in Pro Tools 8. Exercise
files accompany the course.

Software works on: Mac and Windows.
Released on: 7/10/2009


Welcome 1:16 19.4 MB
Exploring the different versions of Pro Tools 2:30 1.8 MB
Optimizing your computer before installing Pro Tools 3:51 4.0 MB
Troubleshooting 3:01 12.0 MB
Using the exercise files 2:16 3.1 MB
1. Getting Started
Connecting your Pro Tools system 5:07 78.0 MB
Powering up and powering down 0:58 0.8 MB
Optimizing Pro Tools performance 6:55 7.1 MB
Setting essential preferences 3:42 4.9 MB
Creating a Pro Tools session 3:56 3.1 MB
Identifying elements in a session folder 3:02 2.2 MB
2. Learning the Interface
Exploring the Edit window 4:50 6.0 MB
Exploring the Mix window 2:21 2.7 MB
Exploring the Transport and Big Counter windows 4:00 4.9 MB
Using the Color palette and window arrangements 2:55 3.4 MB
Investigating Pro Tools menus 4:37 4.8 MB
Creating new tracks 4:10 5.4 MB
Understanding samples and ticks 3:36 3.8 MB
Viewing and manipulating tracks 5:54 8.2 MB
Adjusting the I/O setup 7:07 9.6 MB
Understanding signal paths and gain stages 3:50 3.7 MB
Utilizing keyboard shortcuts and keyboard focus 3:49 5.3 MB
3. Importing
Using DigiBase and the Workspace browser 5:06 6.4 MB
Importing audio 5:13 6.5 MB
Importing MIDI 3:55 5.5 MB
Importing session data 6:17 10.2 MB
Importing tracks from a CD 4:18 4.6 MB
Importing video 2:57 4.3 MB
Unmounting a hard drive 2:57 2.9 MB
4. Recording Audio
Recording audio 5:06 53.8 MB
Playing back audio 10:31 86.4 MB
Creating a Click track 4:53 6.5 MB
Overdubbing and using the record modes 9:25 16.1 MB
Recording with playlists and the Loop Record mode 3:06 8.1 MB
Punch recording and using the monitoring modes 5:28 8.2 MB
Dealing with latency 4:17 5.1 MB
Creating a group 4:33 6.0 MB
Adding effects while recording 7:41 8.9 MB
Creating a headphone (cue) mix 5:34 10.6 MB
Assigning disk allocation 2:13 4.4 MB
5. Editing Audio
Understanding nondestructive editing and region types 3:31 3.2 MB
Using the Selector and Grabber tools 3:29 4.0 MB
Using the Trimmer and Scrubber tools 6:57 13.4 MB
Using the Zoomer tool and Zoom presets 5:14 9.1 MB
Using the Pencil tool 3:27 4.1 MB
Using the Smart tool 1:26 1.9 MB
Understanding the edit modes 7:54 7.9 MB
Arranging regions 8:38 9.0 MB
Undoing an edit 2:03 3.3 MB
Utilizing fades and crossfades 10:29 14.6 MB
Building a comp track using playlists 5:28 5.8 MB
Locking and muting regions 3:36 3.7 MB
Special buttons in the Editing window 8:16 11.4 MB
Creating an audio loop 5:11 13.2 MB
Editing a voiceover 10:59 14.6 MB
6. Arranging a Session
Working with region groups 5:47 7.7 MB
Setting time, tempo, meter, key, and chord 5:46 6.6 MB
Creating memory locations 7:10 11.8 MB
7. Recording MIDI Data
Setting up MIDI on a Mac 4:25 5.1 MB
Setting up MIDI on a PC 2:50 3.0 MB
Setting up MIDI in Pro Tools 2:46 3.4 MB
Recording MIDI data 5:24 6.9 MB
Recording multiple MIDI tracks with one virtual instrument 2:15 3.0 MB
Recording options for MIDI 6:27 7.2 MB
Using step input 4:45 6.2 MB
Making a drum loop with MIDI Merge 2:51 3.4 MB
Composing with virtual instruments 3:47 4.3 MB
8. Editing MIDI
Using the edit tools for editing MIDI data 8:23 11.0 MB
Editing MIDI data with the MIDI Editor 7:20 8.5 MB
Working with the MIDI event list 2:41 3.4 MB
Editing MIDI data with event operations 8:25 7.8 MB
Quantizing MIDI tracks 11:31 9.9 MB
Creating and using groove templates 5:59 5.4 MB
Utilizing real-time properties 4:22 4.6 MB
9. Scoring
Exploring the Score Editor 5:22 6.1 MB
Using the Score Editor 6:33 8.0 MB
Setting up a score 4:30 4.2 MB
Printing and exporting a score 2:26 3.1 MB
10. Advanced Editing
Utilizing the Time Shift plug-in 7:41 8.4 MB
Editing with Elastic Time 8:30 9.1 MB
Editing with Elastic Pitch 2:49 2.6 MB
11. Building with Virtual Instruments
Working with Boom 11:23 24.7 MB
Working with Xpand2 7:21 6.2 MB
Working with DB-33 6:58 5.9 MB
Working with Vacuum 7:55 7.1 MB
Working with Structure Free 7:12 7.7 MB
Working with Mini Grand 3:57 3.5 MB
Using Midi Learn 3:34 3.4 MB
12. Automation
Writing and editing automation 6:04 7.8 MB
Drawing automation with the Pencil tool 4:56 7.1 MB
Editing automation with the Trimmer and Grabber tools 2:09 2.2 MB
Cutting, copying, pasting, and clearing automation 4:05 5.0 MB
Turning automation on and off 4:25 4.8 MB
Automating plug-ins and virtual instruments 4:16 5.6 MB
13. Mixing
Setting up a session for mixing 8:00 7.8 MB
Setting up an effects loop 9:18 8.7 MB
Working with plug-ins 3:53 5.2 MB
Dealing with delay compensation 6:51 6.7 MB
Applying EQ 9:19 12.6 MB
Adding compression 11:17 12.8 MB
Applying limiters 2:57 4.2 MB
Using Gates and Expanders 4:40 8.9 MB
Working with Side Chains 3:35 10.1 MB
Working with De-Essers 3:04 8.7 MB
Adding delay 7:34 7.7 MB
Utilizing modulation effects 4:43 5.1 MB
Adding reverb 7:05 8.0 MB
Adding harmonic effects 5:07 7.0 MB
Renting and purchasing plug-ins 2:02 1.9 MB
Applying AudioSuite plug-ins 5:19 6.6 MB
Bouncing down a mix 5:50 7.9 MB
14. Mastering
Setting up a session for mastering 8:56 10.4 MB
Using plug-ins for mastering 8:47 8.1 MB
Applying Dither and Noise shaping 4:05 4.3 MB
Bouncing down master recordings 3:56 5.7 MB
15. Working with Video
Importing and displaying video files 4:20 9.6 MB
Adding music, foley, ADR, and FX 12:28 51.1 MB
Bouncing down video and audio together 3:04 7.4 MB
16. Archiving
Archiving an entire session 4:50 6.4 MB
Goodbye 0:31 0.5 MB
